Today, Kyo serves clients nation-wide. However, just like all businesses, they were hit by COVID-19. Running a business is a constant challenge even in the best of circumstances, when everything is as good as we can dare expect it to be, but COVID-19 presented everyone with a whole new set of unpredictable circumstances to navigate. Kyo was no expection – they had to reevaluate how to maintain their business long-term and adjust to the changes. They reached out to us just when the lockdowns hit, with a goal of redoing and adjusting their platform to better meet users’ needs.
We define success by the new connections, capabilities, and achievements
that matter most to your child.

Kyo Care
2 years
Kyo – initially Gateway Learning Group – is an organization founded in San Francisco, CA, in 2005 by Melissa Willa and Colin Davitian. They provide a variety of services to children on the autism spectrum and their families. Using child-centric ABA therapy supported by top-notch, extensive research, this organization cultivates learning, language, behavior, and social skills for individuals with autism and other special needs.

The problem
Most businesses with great products and services have one problem in common, and that is marketing. Knowing you meet market needs and demands is a different story to making sure the market is even aware of you in the first place, and getting it to rely on you and what you can offer. Medical services in particular need to make sure they have a well-designed platform that can support and stimulate their business. What this entails is better and faster control in landing, booking, and maintaining their clients. One of the main goals we had with Kyo was to improve the booking aspect and be ready for staff shortage that COVID-19 made almost inevitable, as well as stabilize their position on an unstable market.

Competitive analysis
Kyo tackles a very important and often underrated field that has ever-growing demands. Their goal is clear: to deliver exceptional results by approaching every child and their family as individuals and make sure their unique needs are expertly met. What’s more, their focus is on providing meaningful and objectively measurable outcomes for children with autism. They understand that every person with ASD has their own unique set of skills, motivations, wishes, fears, and triggers, and they tailor the service they provide accordingly. Most importantly, they constantly learn and adapt – not only do they partner with other researchers in the autism field and stay on top of most recent findings, they also take care to learn as much as they can about each family and each client.

This is a lot to balance. On the one hand, Kyo has a vast and organized network of providers (medical staff), and on the other hand, they have users (parents), and finally, clients (children with autism).
Our work at Designer & Gentleman prioritized polishing the process and making it easier for all parties, from landing a client, booking sessions and managing them (cancelations, rescheduling, etc), all the way to tracking the progress of the kids’ behavior and everything in between.

When a business strives to enter a new territory, it needs to extend their brand image to cover it, and that is exactly what we did for Kyo. Wherever Kyo wanted to get introduced and launched, we adjusted their brand image based on the nature of the new place and its ecosystem. We have added newly designed graphics, patterns, and screens that refreshed their look and made interaction easier and smoother. We made Kyo more easily accessible and visible, ready for their web app, iOS, and Google Play Store.

It took us two years and six UX/UI designers to say the least. We worked in sprints to define pain points and how to deal with them; we also did numerous trials and tests in order to find the best flow for each phase. With more than 300 screens, we polished the process for all parties involved. We have designed a new approach that helps clients gain a better understanding of not just Kyo’s business and services, but their children’s place in them – the clients have detailed insight of their child’s behavior and progress on a daily basis, as well as an option to chat with the providers and constantly stay in the loop.

After launching, Kyo has seen improvements on all levels, especially regarding scheduling and user-friendly platforms. They now have better providers profiles, calendars that enable easy management (book, rebook, or cancel therapy sessions), tracking, and availability, as well as deeper data in following the process of providing services to children with autism.